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Can hamsters have Hammocks? Absolutely – some hamsters just love them! But remember that all hamsters are different and while some hamsters may get comfy and snuggle in hammocks and go crazy for them, some hamsters will prefer a hamster house and bed on the floor. Some hamsters like to play on hammocks and swing on them, but prefer not to sleep in them. So really, it’s all about finding out what works best for your hammie.
Best Hamster Hammocks
You can pick up a good Hamster Hammock on Amazon for less than £10. There are some small simple and cosy designs and some larger ones with several entrances that work well if you have more than one hamster in the same cage.
Banana Hamster Hammock
This is one of my favourite hamster hammocks – they look so cute curled up in the hanging banana! It is cosy and will keep your hamster warm in the winter months. This hammock measures 20 x 6 x 6cm. Go on, go bananas!
Trixie Suspension Bridge with Hammock
If your hamster prefers a Hammock to swing and play around on then this Trixie suspension bridge and hammock may be the best option. It’s got a wooden ladder, rope ladder, rope ring and nylon and lambskin effect hammock/swing.
- For mice and hamsters
- Measures 22 cm length by 15 cm width by 17 cm height
Coconut Hammock
Coconut shells make great hanging hamster hammocks. This cute POPETPOP Hamster Hammock is a hanging Sleeping Nest with Bell so you can even hear when he wakes up!
Oncpcare Hammock for Small Animals
This hammock for hamsters and other small animals such as flying squirrels is fleece lined and comes in a variety of beautiful fabrics. It offers warmth and comfort.
MQFORU Branch Hammock
Finally I love this Mqforu branch hammock – see your little critter poking his head out. Hamsters love crawling through holes and tunnels and so this style of hammock is perfect. Makes a lovely warm sleeping place in the autumn and winter.
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