Do hamsters need water?

Do hamsters need water

Do hamsters need water? Absolutely – water is essential for hamsters survival whether they are in the wild or kept in captivity or as a pet. In today’s blog we talk about how to make sure that your hamster has enough water and how often you need to change it. Do hamsters need water? Yes … Read more

Hamster Sounds you will become familiar with

Hamster Sounds you will become familiar with

Hamsters are curious creatures, and it’s important to keep them entertained. Your job is to feed your hamster, exercise it, and troubleshoot when it experiences any problems. You likely will hear his funny little squeaks and other hamster sounds throughout the day. Hamsters have different types of squeaks to express how they are feeling. Hamster … Read more

Do hamsters need bedding?

Do hamsters need bedding

Hamsters are adorable! They’re little balls of fur with giant eyes and tiny legs that scamper around like mad. The question we are answering in todays hamster blog is ‘do hamsters need bedding?’ Do hamsters need bedding? I often get asked ‘do hamsters need bedding?’ and the answer is yes they do. Luckily, there are … Read more

Signs a Hamster is Dying

Signs a Hamster is Dying

If one of your hamsters is ill, you should understand its symptoms. Some signs include changes in behaviour and drinking less. If you spot any of these signs, contact your hamster’s veterinarian. Remember that although the below symptoms could be signs a hamster is dying, they may not be – your hamster may just temporarily … Read more

Do Dwarf hamsters hibernate?

Do Dwarf hamsters hibernate

Dwarf hamsters enjoy basking in the sun and running around the playground. They are playful and adventurous, and they are always up for an adventure. Dwarf hamsters are not usually known to hibernate. However, when winter arrives, many of these adorable creatures become lethargic. This may be their natural method of hibernation. Although hibernation is … Read more

Why does my hamster bite me?

Why does my hamster bite me

I often get asked ‘why does my hamster bite me? Hamsters usually have a reason to bite. Perhaps they are not used to being handled. Maybe he/she feels threatened or scared. Or maybe your hamster could bite you by mistake because he thinks that you are food! Your hamster may feel disturbed or not used … Read more

Hamster as a Pet

Hamster as a Pet

If you’ve ever wondered if a hamster is the right pet for you, here are some points to consider before you commit. There are a number of advantages to owning a hamster. They require very little maintenance and upkeep – as they live in their own self-contained cage, they don’t need the attention that dogs … Read more

Should I get a Hamster?

Should I get a Hamster

The world is full of beautiful animals that can serve as wonderful pets. One creature in particular becoming more popular these days are hamsters. If you are thinking about getting a pet but want to explore your options, this article will help you decide if a hamster would be a great addition to your home. … Read more

Hamster Tips

Hamster Tips

There is plenty you need to know if you’re considering adopting one of these furry rodents as a pet. We have put together a list of helpful hamster tips that will help keep your hamster happy, healthy, and safe! These tips are perfect for first time hamster owners. You will learn how to housebreak them, … Read more

Dwarf Hamster Care

Dwarf Hamster Care

Dwarf Hamsters are a type of rodents in the Cricetidae family. They are commonly considered to be desert animals because they originate from North Africa. Two of the most common types of hamsters, Campbell’s dwarf and Winter White Dwarf, live on average 3–4 years though some may live as long as 9 years while others … Read more