Signs a Hamster is Dying

Signs a Hamster is Dying

If one of your hamsters is ill, you should understand its symptoms. Some signs include changes in behaviour and drinking less. If you spot any of these signs, contact your hamster’s veterinarian. Remember that although the below symptoms could be signs a hamster is dying, they may not be – your hamster may just temporarily … Read more

What is a Hamster Abscess?

What is a Hamster Abscess

Hamsters are playful creatures that enjoy running around and playing biting games. They’re playful and often curious, and they can be prone to abscesses. But what is a hamster abscess? And how are they treated? A hamster abscess is an inflammation of the hamster’s skin that leads to the accumulation of bacteria and excess fluid. … Read more

Hamster Nose Bleed

Hamster Nose Bleed

We often get nosebleeds because of a sudden impact, since our nose is full or nerves and blood vessels. The inner part of the nose is very resilient, and the bleeds often heal quite quickly. In the case of hamsters, it is very similar, although a bit more concerning. Hamsters rely very heavily on their … Read more

Hamster noises and meanings

Hamster noises and meanings

Hamsters make all sorts of noises. They grind their teeth, they squeak, they squeal, and sometimes they even scream! Learning what these different sounds may mean is crucial to the betterment of your pet’s life. By getting to know your hamster and the noises that it makes, you will ensure their proper care. Hamster noises: … Read more

How Long Do Hamsters Live?

How Long Do Hamsters Live

The quintessential family pet for those not ready to commit to a larger animal, hamsters are well-loved members of many families. The first hamster is said to have been identified in 1930, and from there over 26 unique species have been identified. Originally discovered in Syria, the most popular and most common species of hamster … Read more

Overweight Hamster

Overweight Hamster

As hard as it could be come to senses and face the truth at times, being overweight isn’t healthy for any living thing, humans nor animals. When we talk specifically about hamsters, we assure that the extra weight can be extremely detrimental for their overall health because their little bodies aren’t designed to carry the … Read more

Pyometra in Hamsters

Pyometra in Hamsters

It is crucial for every hamster owner to understand that hamsters are highly susceptible of illness. If your toothy critter gets ill, unfortunately, they do not have a lot of wiggle room to find the most appropriate response. Any case of grave illness could mean you’ll have a dead hamster within hours, sometimes even minutes. … Read more

Hamster Mites

Hamster Mites

Hamsters are often considered as good first pets due to their easy maintenance and smaller price tag. However, sometimes hamsters can get mites, this article is to tell you how to best deal with hamster mites. What are Hamster Mites? What are hamster mites? Mites are small bugs that you will not be able to … Read more

Hamster Cancer

Hamster Cancer

Unfortunately, as much as you may go to great lengths to ensure that your pet hamster is happy and healthy, some very unpleasant health conditions are unavoidable. For any animal owners, probably your worst nightmare is your pet getting cancer. It’s sad to say, but cancer is quite common in hamsters and the older that … Read more