Hamster Nose Bleed

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We often get nosebleeds because of a sudden impact, since our nose is full or nerves and blood vessels. The inner part of the nose is very resilient, and the bleeds often heal quite quickly. In the case of hamsters, it is very similar, although a bit more concerning. Hamsters rely very heavily on their sense of smell to get around their daily lives, so a nosebleed is certainly a cause of concern. The nose of a hamster is one of the most sensitive places in their bodies and it is a tender spot that they can hurt quite easily. Keep a watchful eye on your hamster to make sure that it isn’t hurting itself while playing and running around or into their toys. Keep in mind that any trace of blood is usually a sign of illness. Noses should not bleed and in normal situations, your hamster’s nose will never bleed while unprovoked. In accordance to your own nose, a hamster’s nose will not bleed unless something happens to it. In order to determine the reason behind their nosebleeds, you will have to determine the outside factors that are playing into your hamster’s life and current condition. Hamster nosebleeds are considerably uncommon.

There are many hidden meanings and reasons behind hamster nosebleeds. Their noses are very sensitive and can get hurt very easily. Nosebleeds can occur if they’ve hurt themselves while playing or if they’ve been chewing on things that are too tough. Another common cause of nosebleeds is completely related to their surroundings. If the air is dry and hot, as it could happen to humans too, the blood vessels in your hamster’s nose could pop and cause a small amount of blood to leak out of their little noses. Make sure that you’re providing your hamster with plenty of fresh water so that they do not get nosebleeds because of dehydration. These small, rare nosebleeds are easily treated and they go away quite quickly.

If you’ve noticed your hamster is sneezing uncontrollably, this could mean your hamster is allergic to something in its environment. The constant sneezing could cause their nose to become raw and start bleeding. It is of utmost importance to determine the frequency of the nosebleeds in order to know what they could mean for the health of your hamster. Any trace of blood is a cause of concern, but frequent nosebleeds could mean something serious and could hint to a very dangerous illness developing. Respiratory infection and other diseases could be lurking and showing in your hamsters as simple nosebleeds. If this happens too often, we strongly advice paying your vet a visit to make sure that everything is alright. 

We advise you to run a daily check up routine on your hamster checking its eyes, ears, nose, behind and paws. Gently squeezing them to feel the firmness of their bellies is a good idea too. This way, you will notice any sudden changes and tend to their possible conditions quicker, giving them more chances to fully recover. If you found this article helpful and you wish to explore more about hamster’s health and conditions, you might be interested in reading about Wet Tail in Hamsters.

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