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Campbell Dwarf hamsters come in a range of colourings. They make great first time pets even if they are nocturnal as they have active spurts throughout the day. They do bite if threatened but other than that they are very friendly. The biting tends to stop once you bond with them and they know you. This will take at least a few weeks but it is worth not giving up.

Behaviour and Temperament

For younger children, Campbell Dwarf hamsters may be hard to handle since children are scared of being bitten. Therefore, these hamsters are for slightly older children and adults. Syrian hamsters tend to suit all ages since they are less likely to bite even when frightened. 

Campbell hamsters like to be kept in the same sex group and they are quite social compared to the Syrian hamster. Campbells make good pets especially because they are low maintenance, cheap, relevantly clean, and they do require brushing because their hair is so short- although, a sand bath can be an option. Often ‘no pet housing’ will allow them to be kept as pets making them perfect for people with strict landlords.

Lifespan Of A Campbell Dwarf Hamster

Campbell Dwarf hamsters live between 1 and 2.5 years. This is slightly more than a Syrian hamster. 

Where To Buy A Campbell Dwarf Hamster

Most Campbell Dwarf hamsters can be bought at Pets4Home, Pets at Home, garden centres, and specific breeders. There is also an adoption centre in many pet shops where you can often find Campbells. This is because they may have felt threatened and bit their owner when first taken home-this often results in them being returned. Which is a shame. They are around £10-15 but this does vary from place to place. 


Their diet consists of pellet food or muesli. However, like Syrian hamsters, Campbells tend to pick out the bits they like from muesli meaning, they are not getting a balanced diet. 

Campbell dwarf hamsters are smaller than the Syrian hamster, there is no considerable difference between their diets. However, you should be very careful when treating the dwarf hamsters with any sugar treats since they can get diabetes. Campbell Dwarf Hamsters are prone to getting diabetes. If you catch the problem early, you may be able to avert problems by changing your hamster’s diet. 

Signs of diabetes include excessive drinking and urination, poor coat condition, low energy, shivering, and negative behaviours.

Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters should avoid these foods:

Almonds, celery, garlic (very poisonous to Hamsters), kidney beans, onion, potato tops, rhubarb, tomato, chocolate, and raisins (can get lodged in cheek pouches). Overall, if you make sure you avoid these foods and your hamster should stay healthy.

For further information about Campbell Dwarf Hamsters have a look at this website.

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